Risky Business
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The number one challenge most job seekers have is applying to jobs and waiting to hear back from the employer. Resumes don't get jobs; they get interviews, and so many of you apply for jobs you know you can do but have yet to meet the employer.
The 2022 Insurance Industry Employment & Hiring Outlook Survey Reveals Record Hiring Being Offset...
The pandemic that started in March 2020 forced insurance companies to look at all their current hiring and retention strategies. This survey found that insurance employers are still struggling to figure out how to solve many of the issues created by the pandemic. -
Right now is maybe the best time to get a great job, not just any job. Here are three significant mistakes job seekers make in 2022 and how to fix them. No matter what you do for a living or what level of job you are in, most likely, there is a great job waiting. I can promise you that understand...
Like all social media, those who stand out (which means they have optimized profiles) are the ones that usually get the interviews. Also, never forget that 90% of all recruiters (companies and third-party recruiters) search LinkedIn every day looking for your optimized profile. In a post covid hi...
For 2022 and beyond, it is time to take video interviewing seriously since employers will expect minimal hiccups. The honeymoon with video interview technology is over, and employers will be expecting excellence. Here is what you need to know.
The challenge to find great new insurance talent marches on, and during Insurance Career Month, your company can gain a competitive edge learning from many experts.
Whether you are new to GreatInuranceJobs.com or a longtime user of the website, it’s hard to believe we turned 15 years old on June 6, 2016.
Bring back the recession! For recruiters and human resource departments, the recession made any resource you used to find talent the “best thing ever”. Sure, you didn’t have many openings and millions of great people were unemployed and looking for work. In addition, your internal referrals we...
The latest unemployment rate for April 2014 was 6.3%. Not sure about you, but many who are looking for jobs (whether unemployed or underemployed) are still having a tough time reeling in a great position.